Dr. Chathumi Kavirathna
Ms. Maryse De Costa
The double-blind peer review process of the JSALT is designed to ensure the transparency and integrity of research publications. Reviewers are therefore expected to be responsible both ethically and professionally.
Preliminary Screening by the Editorial Board: All manuscripts received are preliminarily screened by the Editorial Board to assess their conformity to the objectives, submission guidelines and scope of the Journal, and suitability for submitting it to the review process. A manuscript may be rejected without it being submitted for peer review if the Board of Editors decides it as inappropriate for publication in the Journal for its poor quality or unsuitability.
Peer-Review: Those submissions that successfully go through this preliminary screening process are submitted to the double-blind peer review, which involves at least two independent peer reviewers to whom the manuscripts are sent anonymously.
The Reviewers are responsible for certifying the validity and accuracy of the publication of manuscripts as well as advising authors to improve their work. They will ensure that,
- The manuscript contains a body of work carried out within the norms of scientific inquiry and ethical considerations, and
- The conclusions are arrived at through a valid and logical interpretation in keeping with established knowledge.
In performing their task, the Reviewers are expected to,
- Maintain confidentiality about the content and authorship of the manuscripts made available for review,
- Refrain from disclosing own identity to the authors,
- Deliver the review in a timely and thorough manner,
- Provide detailed comments that are constructive for further improvement,
- Be fair and consistent and not be biased by personal views,
- Conduct reviews objectively without making personal comments, suggesting personal references, and criticizing authors.
- Refrain from reviewing a paper that may construe a potential conflict of interest.
- Submit the review within the stipulated time period.
The reviewers must keep the review process and its outcome completely confidential. The reviewer must declare a conflict of interest if any, that may arise from competitive, collaborative, or other connections with any of the authors or institutions associated with the manuscript.
Editor in Chief
Amal S. Kumarage
BSc. Eng. (Moratuwa, Sri Lanka), PhD (Calgary), FCILT, MIE(SL), Ceng
Senior Professor,
Department of Transport Management & Logistics Engineering,
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Academic Profile
Email: amalk@uom.lk
Jagath Munasinghe
PhD(NUS, Singapore)
Department of Town and Country Planning,
Faculty of Architecture, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Academic Profile
Email: jagathnm@uom.lk
Dr. Tiloka de Silva
Department of Decision Sciences,
Faculty of Business, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Academic Profile
Email: tilokad@uom.lk
Associate Editors
Prof. Nishantha Bandara
PhD (South Florida, US)
Lawrence Technological University,
United States
Academic Profile
Email: toadd
Editorial Assistants
Ms. Ruwani N Liyanage
MSc (Moratuwa, Sri Lanka)
Department of Transport Management & Logistics Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Ms. Chathuni Uduwela
MSc (NUS, Singapore)
Product Policy Manager - Sri Lanka
TikTok, Singapore
Mr. Asith Hettiarachchi
Founder - OGO Transit (Pvt) Ltd.,
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Advisory Council