Journal of South Asian Transport & Logistics (JSALT)

The leading open-access journal of double-blind peer-reviewed research in logistics and transport in South Asia

Click here to get the Editorial Policy document in pdf

The Journal of South Asian Logistics and Transport (JSALT) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality research articles on multiple disciplines in transport and logistics.

It has an Editorial Board of active and reputed researchers and is guided by an Advisory Council comprised of internationally renowned researchers in transport and logistics. JSALT publishes by-annually in March and in September.

The Journal of South Asian Logistics and Transport is also available at

Call for Papers (Volume 4 Issue 1)


Early access mode

Early Access articles are intended to help authors publish their research articles ahead of the March and September full journal issues. Early Access articles would be published only once the review process is fully completed and authors will not be allowed to do any changes as it would be deemed to have been published. Early Access articles are given a DOI, allowing them to be cited and tracked.

ISSN (Online) : 2783-8676

ISSN (Print) : 2783-8897

Focus & Scope

JSALT provides a space in which findings of original research, particularly focusing on the South Asian context. In addition to research articles, the Journal accepts manuscripts of policy and strategic perspectives.

The scope of the journal encompasses subjects within the wide domain of transport and logistics, including but not limited to the following topics:

  • Airline Operations
  • Airport Planning and Operations
  • Consumer and Demand Studies for Mobility
  • Economic Appraisal of Transport and Logistics Projects
  • Freight Transport
  • ICT & Technological Advancements for Transport and Logistics
  • Inter-modal Transport
  • Operations Management
  • Port Planning and Operations
  • Public Transport
  • Rural Transport
  • Safety in Mobility
  • Shipping Operations
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Transport Economics, Policy, and Regulation
  • Transport Planning
  • Urban Transport
  • Warehousing and Inventory Management

Publication Frequency

JSALT publishes two issues per year.

Open Access Policy

JSALT provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. There is no embargo on the journal’s publications.

Article Processing Charges

JSALT is a free-to-publish journal where authors are not charged for paper submission and processing.

Journal Archiving

This journal is available for LOCKSS harvesting, to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.


Currently, funds are drawn from the Sri Lanka Society of Logistics & Transport (SLSTL).

Copyright & Licensing

Copyright on any research article is transferred in full to the Sri Lanka Society of Transport and Logistics (SLSTL). The copyright transfer includes the right to reproduce and distribute the article in any form of reproduction (printing, electronic media, or any other form).

The articles in JSALT are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This license permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.


Facts and opinions published herein are solely personal statements made by the respective authors. Authors are responsible for the contents of their research papers including the accuracy of facts and statements and citations of resources. SLSTL and its editorial committee disclaim any liability for violations of other parties’ rights, or any damages incurred as a consequence of the research published herein.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. The full privacy policy can be viewed here.



Publication Frequency

The journal publishes two issues a year.

Guide to the Structure of Articles

  • Abstract: The abstract can be used as a basic template in structuring the prospective article. It should explain the background of the study, the research process/method, and the major findings. A representative abstract of not more than 200 words should be submitted by the deadline. It should not contain formulas and references.
  • Keywords & Abbreviations: Authors should submit a maximum of six unique and informative keywords relating to the manuscript. Undefined abbreviations or acronyms should be avoided in the keywords. Editorial Board reserves the right to replace keywords if necessary.
  • Introduction: The Introduction should emphasize the research background and motivation, the research gap, and the objectives of the study. The literature review may or may not be put as a separate section, but it is important to link the paper to existing literature.
  • Equations: Equations should be indented and separated from the text. All equations should be numbered within brackets sequentially and the number should be placed at the far-right side of the line.
  • Tables: Tables should present useful information and not merely duplicate what is in the text. Tables should be numbered. The caption should be clear enough to represent what is presented in the table. Please supply editable files (for example, tables should not be put in the form of a picture).
  • Figures: Figures and photographs should be fitted into the body area in portrait orientation. Photographs should be preferably scanned with a resolution of 100 dpi in .jpg or .tif format and sized before placement in the manuscript. Each figure should be sequentially numbered, and the caption should be located below the Figure. All figures should be in sharp contrasting colors so that they can easily be legible even in black and white prints.
  • References: The references list should comprise all sources used in the paper located at the end of the paper using the IEEE referencing style. They should contain full bibliographical details in numerical order at the end of the manuscript. In the reference list, all authors should be included
  • Appendices: Sometimes appendices help readers to further study the issue presented. Submit appendices separately after attaching tables and figures. If more than one appendix is featured, use capital letters to refer to them in the text: Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.

Submission Conditions

  • Articles must be written in standard UK English. Proper grammar is a requirement for publication in JSALT. Any articles submitted with poor grammar will be immediately rejected. All articles must be prepared using the JSALT-template (docx) plus JSALT guidelines for manuscript submission (pdf) and submitted as a Microsoft Word document and a PDF document upon submission
  • JSALT does not have a page limit for articles. However, it is recommended to keep the page count under 25 A4 pages or 6,000 words for ease of readability. Longer articles may result in longer peer review times. Additional content can be added as supplementary material.
  • All third-party-owned materials used have been identified with appropriate credit lines, and permission has been obtained from the copyright holder for all formats of the journal. Authors acknowledge their responsibility to gain all permissions before submission.
  • Author lists should be carefully considered before submission. All contributing authors qualify as authors, as defined in the authorship guidelines, and have permitted to be listed on the submitted paper. (Changes to the author list during the post-acceptance are not allowed.)
  • The authors would be required to confirm that the articles they have submitted have not previously been published and are not currently being considered for publication by another journal.
  • Corresponding Author: The Editorial Board will address all communications to the corresponding author, who should be identified at time of submission.

Submissions of Manuscripts

To submit an article online, and to check the status of your submission, you need to have an account with the journal. The Editorial Office will duly acknowledge authors on receipt of a duly submitted manuscript.

In case of any problem with the submission, please contact the Editor-in-Chief at

Plagiarism Policy

Each article submitted to JSALT is checked for plagiarism, including similarity to authors’ own work. An article that is found to be plagiarized by more than 20% (Similarity Index) at any point of the publication process is rejected, and the authors are notified.

Peer Review Process

  • JSALT adopts two-staged evaluation of manuscript submissions, namely, Preliminary Screening and Double-Blind Peer Review. All manuscripts received are preliminarily screened by the Editorial Board to assess their conformity to the objectives, submission guidelines and scope of the Journal, and suitability for submitting it to the review process. This process is expected to take between 2-4 weeks. A manuscript may be rejected without it being submitted for peer review, if the Board of Editors decides it as inappropriate for publication in the Journal for its scope, poor quality or unsuitability.
  • Those submissions that successfully go through this preliminary screening process are submitted to the double-blind peer review, which involves two independent peer reviewers to whom the manuscripts are sent anonymously. The average time duration for peer- reviewing a manuscript depends on the content but generally takes between 4 weeks to 8 weeks. In case an article is recommended for minor revisions by the reviewers, a maximum of 2 weeks is normally allowed for submission of the revised paper. In case of major revisions, JSALT normally allow a maximum of 4 weeks. Authors may request extensions which will be considered on a case by case basis. When submitting revisions, authors should also submit a separate file in the format provided , explaining how each concern raised by the reviewers and/or the Editorial Board has been addressed in the revised paper. The Editorial Board’s decision regarding the publication of an article will be final.

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice

  • JSALT uses a double-blind peer review option for reviewing manuscripts. Authors remain anonymous to the reviewers throughout the reviewing process. The authors are responsible for anonymizing their manuscripts accordingly. The body of the paper should be anonymous and provides no attributes of the authors’ identity.
  • The peer review process ensures the transparency and integrity of a research publication. Reviewers are therefore expected to be responsible both ethically and professionally.
  • The JSALT exclusively publishes original works of the authors that have not been published earlier either in printed format or electronically. Authors submitting manuscripts to JSALT must affirm that their work, or any portion of it, regardless of the language or publication format, has not been published elsewhere, is not under consideration for publication, and has not been accepted for publication elsewhere.
  • Authors must ensure that all research methodologies and results presented in their manuscripts are under national and international ethics governing research. In case the paper is based on a case study in an organization, the authors are responsible to protect the confidentiality of identity or other information about such organizations unless there was written permission to disclose such information from an authority representing the organization.
  • Authors should be followed applicable copyright laws and conventions. Copyright material should be reproduced only with appropriate permission and acknowledgment. Relevant previous work and publications, both by other researchers and the authors’ own, should be properly acknowledged and referenced.
  • Authorship of manuscripts should be confined only to those who have made significant contributions in terms of concept, design, methodology, data analysis, interpretation, and preparation of the manuscript.
  • Authors are responsible to consider carefully the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript and provide the definitive list of authors at the time of the original submission.
  • The corresponding author must ensure that all contributing co-authors included in the authors' list have approved the final version of the manuscript and have agreed to its submission for publication.
  • It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure adherence to timelines and respond to any requests, queries, and recommendations of reviewers that are communicated by the Editorial Board of the JSALT.
  • Whenever appropriate, the authors should declare the source of funding in the acknowledgment.
  • When the editor is involved as an author of a paper submitted to the JSALT, the review process has to be handled by another editor. Moreover, an editor should not handle the review of a paper written by an author working for the same organization with the editor.

JSALT guidelines for manuscript submission

for further guidance, refer to this Guideline (PDF)

The double-blind peer review process of the JSALT is designed to ensure the transparency and integrity of research publications. Reviewers are therefore expected to be responsible both ethically and professionally.

Preliminary Screening by the Editorial Board: All manuscripts received are preliminarily screened by the Editorial Board to assess their conformity to the objectives, submission guidelines and scope of the Journal, and suitability for submitting it to the review process. A manuscript may be rejected without it being submitted for peer review if the Board of Editors decides it as inappropriate for publication in the Journal for its poor quality or unsuitability.

Peer-Review: Those submissions that successfully go through this preliminary screening process are submitted to the double-blind peer review, which involves at least two independent peer reviewers to whom the manuscripts are sent anonymously.

The Reviewers are responsible for certifying the validity and accuracy of the publication of manuscripts as well as advising authors to improve their work. They will ensure that,

  • The manuscript contains a body of work carried out within the norms of scientific inquiry and ethical considerations, and
  • The conclusions are arrived at through a valid and logical interpretation in keeping with established knowledge.

In performing their task, the Reviewers are expected to,

  • Maintain confidentiality about the content and authorship of the manuscripts made available for review,
  • Refrain from disclosing own identity to the authors,
  • Deliver the review in a timely and thorough manner,
  • Provide detailed comments that are constructive for further improvement,
  • Be fair and consistent and not be biased by personal views,
  • Conduct reviews objectively without making personal comments, suggesting personal references, and criticizing authors.
  • Refrain from reviewing a paper that may construe a potential conflict of interest.
  • Submit the review within the stipulated time period.

The reviewers must keep the review process and its outcome completely confidential. The reviewer must declare a conflict of interest if any, that may arise from competitive, collaborative, or other connections with any of the authors or institutions associated with the manuscript.

Editor in Chief

Amal S. Kumarage

BSc. Eng. (Moratuwa, Sri Lanka), PhD (Calgary), FCILT, MIE(SL), Ceng

Senior Professor,

Department of Transport Management & Logistics Engineering,

University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

Academic Profile



Jagath Munasinghe

PhD(NUS, Singapore)

Department of Town and Country Planning,

Faculty of Architecture, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

Academic Profile


Dr. Pradeepa Jayaratne

PhD (Wollongong, Australia)

RMIT University,

Hanoi, Vietnam

Academic Profile


Dr. Tiloka de Silva


Department of Decision Sciences,

Faculty of Business, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

Academic Profile


Associate Editors

Prof. Shivanand Swamy

Associate Director

CEPT University,


Academic Profile

Email: to add

Prof. Shinya Hanaoka

PhD (Tohoku, Japan)

Tokyo Institute of Technology,


Academic Profile


Prof. Nishantha Bandara

PhD (South Florida, US)

Lawrence Technological University,

United States

Academic Profile

Email: toadd

Associate. Prof. Premaratne Samaranayake

PhD (Melbourne, Australia)

Western Sydney University,


Academic Profile


Editorial Assistants

Ms. Ruwani N Liyanage

MSc (Moratuwa, Sri Lanka)

Department of Transport Management & Logistics Engineering,

Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

Ms. Chathuni Uduwela

MSc (NUS, Singapore)

Product Policy Manager - Sri Lanka

TikTok, Singapore

Mr. Asith Hettiarachchi

Founder - OGO Transit (Pvt) Ltd.,

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Advisory Council

Associate Professor Tillmann Böhme

Faculty of Business and Law,

School of Business, University of Wollongong,


Academic Profile


Asif Faiz

Adviser (Consultant )

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Linkdin Profile


Dr. Bhargab Maitra

PhD (Bombay, India), Mtec (Kanpur, India)

Civil Engineering Department,

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India

Academic Profile


Dr. Darshi Piyathilake

PhD (Cranfield, England), MSc (Cranfield, England)

Coventry University,

United Kingdom

Linkedin Profile


Past Issues

Vol. 4(2), September 2024

Vol. 4(2), September 2024

Vol. 4(1), March 2024

Vol. 4(1), March 2024

Vol. 3(2), September 2023

Vol. 3(2), September 2023

Vol. 3(1), March 2023

Vol. 3(1), March 2023

Vol. 2(2), September 2022

Vol. 2(2), September 2022

Vol. 2(1), March 2022

Vol. 2(1), March 2022

Vol. 1(2), September 2021

Vol. 1(2), September 2021

Vol. 1(1), March 2021

Vol. 1(1), March 2021

Mailing Address

JSALT Editorial Office,
Sri Lanka Society of Transport and Logistics (SLSTL),
34, MJC Fernando Mawatha,
Idama, Moratuwa 10400,
Sri Lanka.

Mailing Address


Amal S. Kumarage :

Send Email